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Top Android Apps to Automate Tasks on Your Device

When it comes to the best operating system, the first name that comes in every mind is Android. Due to its advanced features and open-source facility, it is widely used by users beating iOS. Various Android apps do wonders in the world. But now with the arrival of advanced technologies and the need for smart devices, many developers have developed some stunning apps that push your Android device to perform smart things. 

Various android apps easily perform several tasks automatically making your life easier and smarter. You can automate various things to happen on your android device based on time triggers and location. 

Here in this blog, we are going to know some of the best and free android apps to automate tasks.

Free Android Apps to Automate Task

There are various such apps developed by every top android app development company. Let’s discuss some of the best that helps you in automation. These apps allow you to perform several tasks automatically. 

It is one of the highly popular and free android apps to automate tasks that allow you to take decisions as per your need automatically. It helps to simplify your life by converting manual actions to automation. This supports various Triggers such as SMS, battery level, incoming call, on/off the phone, Wi-Fi, GPS status, date, location, email, NFC, cell ID, behavior recognition, and many more. According to the above-discussed triggers, it shows different notifications, Bluetooth state, play sound, Wi-Fi state, and more. 

This android app allows you to set up customized actions that triggered once a particular set of circumstances met. For example, you can allow your smartphone to upload the photo when you shake your device. 

You can use this app to off Bluetooth, disable data, silent your phone, read incoming messages loudly, quick photo upload on social media platforms, and many more. The app also contains a template section where you easily get ready-made macros so you don’t need to create and it is also highly popular among every android app development company

With this app, you can easily trigger an action on your smartphone when you are at a specified location. This app uses your mobile tower to track the location of your smartphone as it does not depend on your GPS. You can also trigger your Bluetooth to connect with your device when you are out for your morning walk and also trigger a reminder to take groceries when you are near to your favorite shop.

This app allows you to easily and quickly automate several tasks on your device. Using the app you can create your automation through flowcharts, change the setting of Bluetooth automatically, enable/disable Wi-Fi, perform several actions like SMS or email, and triggered your upcoming events. This app takes the help of various blocks and dots to create automated tasks and to get a better result with such an app, you can even hire any top android app development company

Atooma is packed with a bunch of ready-made, intelligent actions, or, if this happens, you can do that, work with yourself. This allows you to build the cause and rules of practice. This app can be used to set very complicated rules —for each rule you set it up to manage five conditions (things which cause the automated task) and five reactions (things the automated task does). This app allows you to set your phone on silence mode automatically when you are at a meeting. 


 These are some of the best and free android apps to automate tasks on your device. You can use any of the apps to allow your device to automatically perform tasks. These apps help in making your smartphone smartest by allowing your device to do a particular task at the accurate condition and time. With the use of these apps, you can make your life easier and smarter and that’s why these apps are widely developed by every best android app development company.

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